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Ukraine at War Update 10

UKRAINE CRISIS: Overview of HART’S Response

Greetings! As bombs continue to rain down over cities across Ukraine, HART and our church partners remain committed to meeting the tremendous physical and spiritual needs of families in crisis. Christians in Ukraine have stepped up like never before to serve people whose lives have been totally upended by this conflict.

With YOUR SUPPORT, HART continues to save lives every day by:

Providing RELIEF AID (shelter, food, medicine) for 10s of thousands of displaced families through our extensive network of local churches throughout Ukraine.

Purchasing FOOD in Poland, transporting it in semi-trucks, and distributing massive quantities for distribution in the conflict zones.

Purchasing VEHICLES used for distributing food and supplies to needy families close to the war zones. In these conflict zones, Church volunteers create food packages and deliver them to thousands of families in the surrounding villages, towns, and cities, wherever the need is greatest.

Purchasing AMBULANCES to provide emergency medical care for civilians and soldiers in the war zones.

EVACUATING thousands of families and orphans escaping the bombings and killings.

Supplying churches who are hosting refugees from the war.

Purchasing vehicles for food distribution and evacuations.

For more detailed information on how HART has been serving Ukraine during this war, go here…..


Where are refugees going?

According to the United Nations, more than 11 million people have fled their homes in Ukraine since the conflict began. Over 5.5 million have left for neighboring countries, and another 6.5 million people are displaced inside the war-torn country itself.

The map below will give you an idea of where millions of refugees are fleeing. However, in the past several weeks, at least 1 million have returned to Ukraine. Most will remain in Western Ukraine until this conflict is over.


‘Thank You’ – HART Community!


Recently we received this letter from Svitlana, whose church is a HART partner. She is just one of the thousands of volunteers working with their churches to care for refugees from the war zones who choose to remain in Ukraine.

Dear HART supporters. In this letter, I would like to convey to you all the thanks, hugs, and smiles that were a reaction to the support we received from you. Our enemy is investing all his country’s funds to take away the lives and freedom of Ukrainians, but you are sending funds to make the lives of those who have suffered – so much better!

With your support, we first bought food and clothes, and when we delivered them to the refugees, we saw that they had many other needs. Many of them had to leave their homes on foot with only a backpack or a small suitcase, so they did not even have a change of clothes.

To help them with their needs, we used your funds for home improvements, repair of household appliances, and buying chairs, pillows, bedding, and utensils. Besides that, people need other help: medical care, hot water for washing clothes and bathing, kids need to have their hair cut, school supplies, and some needed help with official government documents.

We ask you to pray that God will give us wisdom and guide us in everything we do. I would also ask you to pray for those brave men fighting at the front lines. Their wives and children are distraught and worried, and sometimes, there are not enough words to support and comfort their hearts.

P.S. When I was thinking about HART, I came up with this comparison: when my husband and I come to families to bring them help from you, dear HART supporters, even though they hear that this help is from a good and caring people from Canada & US, we are the ones who hear the words of gratitude. At this point, I always think how wonderful it would be if you could see these people and listen to their words of appreciation.

People see just the “tap” from which water flows, but I know that behind this “tap” is a whole water supply system, and this water is supplied from “a sweet source.” YOU are that “sweet source.”

God sees and knows it. I hope that He blesses you richly.

Your sister in Christ, Svitlana

More THANK YOUs…..


Dear HART supporters, It is impossible to fully understand what Ukraine is going through. Suffering, tears, and death accompany our people every day.

But words fail us to describe how grateful we all are to God for all of you, dear friends and supporters of Hart. You are there for us, helping us in this time of grief and suffering. We believe that God will give you a hundredfold here on earth and eternal life in heaven.

Keep praying for Ukraine! God has the power to give us victory!

Vasyl Basaraba, Pastor of Baptist Church, Horodyshche village

FROM A FOSTER HOME – Nevolko family (Lviv)

Greetings from Ukraine! I would like to wish you peace at this difficult time for Ukraine! Thank you so much for your kind and open hearts.

I would never have thought that my kids would have to experience such a difficult time. Over the years many daughters and sons were brought up in our foster family. Yesterday we visited one of our sons who is now in the army. While many people were trying to flee abroad from the war, he said that if everyone fled, who would defend our land then? So, he volunteered for the army.

Yesterday my wife saw him in military uniform and cried all the way home, saying that he was still a child for her but already had to wear a uniform. We have been married for 29 years, but I have never seen such a look on my wife’s face.

From the first days of the war, we have opened up our home to many refugees. They all have stories of living in basements and being so scared and traumatized by the bombings and Russian soldiers. We are grateful that we can help them with your help. My soul hurts because there is so much grief and death in our country, but we believe in the mercy of the Lord.

A family of seven people from the city of Kherson spent a night at our place. The father and his church were looking after displaced persons until the last moment. Then, when the Russians occupied the city, they left.

He said that the time had come for Christians to demonstrate whether what we were preaching was true. Did we tell the truth when we preached mercy? God is testing our strength. Some people from whom I expected courage proved not to have it, and those whom I didn’t expect courage proved to have it. It is definitely true that the first shall be last, and the last first!

Thank you very much for passing this test of strength and faith. We are each making a choice that no one seems to have been prepared for. I have a friend who used to say that he was not patriotic enough to die for his country, but now he loads up his car with humanitarian aid and, despite being shot at by the enemy, delivers help to the soldiers who are at the front lines. He keeps a grenade in his pocket so as not to be taken, prisoner. Every time he leaves on one of these trips, I say goodbye to him, understanding that we may never see each other again.

God’s mercy and your help give me hope that we will overcome and endure everything. Thank you for your hearts full of compassion and desire to support us! May the Lord protect you and your peace! May He bless you and those who are dear to your heart.

Thank you very much!
Ihor Nevolko, The father of a foster family

As we watch this tragedy unfold, most of us feel helpless. And yet – we are not powerless — we can make a real difference.


  1. PRAY. Pray for our Ukrainian church partners as they meet needs and show God’s love to these traumatized people from the war zones. Pray for the safety of Ukraine’s leaders and that the war will end soon.
  2. GIVE. Your donations to Refugee AID/Crisis will be used in one or a variety of the areas mentioned above. They are all critically important.
  3. SHARE. Please send this post to your friends and family. Thanks!