Our Approach
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Our Approach

Our Approach

At the heart of HART’s approach is the unwavering belief that the local church is the most effective and sustainable vehicle for driving positive change in communities. All of HART’s projects and programs, whether focused on relief aid, community development, or spiritual transformation, emanate directly from partnerships with Ukrainian churches.

The ultimate goal for our national partners is self-sufficiency. We assist them and support their journey to become independent and self-reliant.

As churches grow and multiply, they can reach more people with the Gospel by serving those in need, leading to spiritual transformation within communities.


We equip them with the tools to build, strengthen and grow their churches and create a better world for themselves and their communities.

Our model begins with you. Your prayers and financial support are the fuel that allow us to empower the local church in Eastern Europe.

We seek out and identify the most passionate, inspiring and effective leaders, churches and ministries in Eastern Europe, and partner with them.

Ways we can help build their Churches

Here are examples of some of the resources, tools and support we can offer our partners to help transform their communities.

Aid for refugees, IDPs
Summer Camp Programs
Church construction or renovations
Financial support for churches
Aid for poor families
Education – students, pastors
Mobile medical-dental clinics
Pastor/Ministry support
Child Sponsor Program
Senior Care program
Sports-Youth Ministries
Technology for churches
Support for new church plants
Pastor Conferences
Publication of Christian materials

Partnerships Work

Why HART’s model of partnering with local Ukrainian churches and leaders has been so effective for over twenty-five years:

Cost-effectiveness: Working directly with in-country partners who deeply understand the local context allows HART to maximize the impact of every dollar donated. This makes the aid delivery process much more cost-efficient compared to Western organizations operating alone.

Sustainability: If the local population does not fully embrace and champion an initiative, it is unlikely to succeed long-term. Projects driven by outsiders are prone to failure once external support is withdrawn. True sustainability only occurs when the local community takes ownership of the projects and makes them their own.

Empowerment: By centering the priorities identified by Ukrainian Christian leaders, HART ensures its work is deeply rooted in the local culture and empowers Ukrainians to drive positive change in their own communities. This avoids paternalistic approaches that can frustrate local populations.

Kingdom building: HART’s commitment to the local church is a reflection of its belief in the power of the gospel to redeem, restore and renew. That is the reason all of our projects and programs emanate from the local church.

In essence, HART’s model is premised on the belief that the most practical and effective way to create lasting change is to empower and resource local churches and leaders. By working in true partnership with Ukrainians, HART can achieve far more together than any Western organization could accomplish alone.