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Privacy Policy

HART is committed to protecting your personal information that you provide to our ministry online.


HART created this policy to emphasize the confidentiality of your information, the way it is collected and used, and the security of your information. If desired, HART provides you with the opportunity to be removed from our contact list.


The identity of every person who contacts us through this website is kept confidential. HART never rents, sells or exchanges your personal information with other individuals or organizations. The use of your personal information will be restricted to the internal use of HART only with the intention of promoting HART and our partners in Eastern Europe.

Information Collected

We collect information from individuals who donate to HART online. The online information includes name, address, city, province, postal code, telephone number, email address, credit card number and expiration date. HART also collects information from individuals requesting to receive the HART E-Connect, which is generated from within our organization. The online information includes name and email address, as well as, optional areas of interest requests.

Your Information

Your information is used in three ways:

  1. At your request, HART will use your information to update you on specific ministry projects and activities either through mail or email . This includes activities from HART’S partners in Eastern Europe and activities within HART.
  2. HART will use your information for mail-outs including, but not limited to: quarterly updates and the Gifts of Hope Catalogue. If requested, HART will not use your information to mail updates but will retain your address for tax receipt information.
  3. The credit card numbers that are submitted are used only for a requested donation or payment processing and are not retained for any other purposes.


HART is committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. When donating online, HART uses a third party service to protect your sensitive information. This party uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol when collecting your personal information including a credit card number. Once submitted, your information is only accessible and collected by HART staff. As with most other internet sites, our website collects data to understand the activity within our site. The purposes of the data collection are to administer our website more effectively, to gather broad demographic information about what countries and domains our visitors come from and their behaviour on our site. The data collected will not supply us with any personal or private information such as your email address.

Removing Your Information

Should you desire to be removed from our email or mail  list, please submit your request to unsubscribe@hart.ca or contact our Canadian office at 403-230-8263 and we will unsubscribe you from receiving further communication from us. Any changes to your personal information can be made by sending a request to office@hart.ca, or by contacting our Canadian office at 403-230-8263.