Relief Aid
You can help us respond to a crisis, assist poor families, orphans, widows, street kids, refugees and seniors.
You can help us respond to a crisis, assist poor families, orphans, widows, street kids, refugees and seniors.
Help us empower and build the internal strength of communities.
Support for orphanages, foster homes, street kids, child sponsorship program, and summer camps.
You can give the gift of a new life for a young girl who was a victim of human trafficking.
You can help us provide health care to vulnerable children, families and communities.
You can help a poor child and his or her family break the bonds of poverty and transform their lives.
Send your Interac e-Transfer to
You MUST include your email and mailing address for tax receipt purposes.
Please call our office (403-230-8263)
to make a donation using a credit card.
Please make Checks payable to HART.
Mailing address:
106, 90 Freeport Blvd. NE
Calgary, AB, T3J 5J9
Download and complete this form to arrange Pre-Autorized Debit (PAD) automatic mounthly donations from your checking account towards the work of HART.