Home / Sponsor a Child / Artem


ID #:
June 7, 2018

Dear sponsor,

My name is Artem, and I’m 5. I live without my father, my mother isn’t working at the moment, as she’s looking after my younger brother. I have an older sister; she goes to school and likes to draw. My younger brother is fond of playing different games with me and he also enjoys going for a walk. I have a best friend; his name is Marko. We got to know each other in kindergarten. In my free time I play football as well as different games in the playground. We celebrate Christmas together with the whole family. During the summer holidays we go to a river, park and just walk around the playground. I go to kindergarten. I attend Music and PE every day. We also write, draw, go for a walk, eat and prepare for school. I like pasta, sausages, meat and whatnot. At home I eat everything, I like eating all we have, and I’m not very picky. Most of the time I play with my brother, help mom with household chores and babysit my brother. I dream of becoming a military to protect my family and Ukraine. I want peace to be reinforced.

Thank you, a lot, for your good deeds and help. I wish you all peaceful sky over your head.

Glory to Ukraine!

Caseworker Comments:

Artem, despite his young age, carries a lot of responsibility on his small shoulders. He not only helps his mother with household chores and caring for his siblings but also brings joy to their lives with his playful spirit. Whether it’s kicking a ball around with his friends or carefully sketching his latest masterpiece, Artem’s enthusiasm and creativity shine through.

The absence of his father, Andrii, casts a shadow over their family dynamics. Andrii’s struggles with alcoholism and his dangerous behavior led to conflicts and ultimately their separation. Andrii does not provide financial support or assist in raising the children. Despite this, Artem and his siblings remain respectful and obedient, finding solace in their close-knit bond with their mother, Tetiana.

Tetiana’s days are filled with the challenges of single-handedly managing the household while also providing emotional support to her children. With limited financial resources since she is on maternity leave and not working, every day brings its own set of hurdles, from ensuring there’s food on the table to managing the frequent medical needs of her children. Artem’s family relies heavily on government assistance and social benefits just to make ends meet.

Their living conditions paint a picture of poverty. Their rented apartment, located in a neglected part of town, lacks basic amenities like a bathroom or shower, a door for privacy in front of the toilet, The crumbling walls and lack of proper furniture only add to the discomfort of their daily lives. Despite Tetiana’s best efforts to maintain cleanliness and order, the apartment remains a stark reminder of their precarious situation.

Yet, amidst the challenges, there’s a glimmer of hope that sustains them. Artem’s family finds strength in their unity and unwavering love for each other. They cling to dreams of a better future, where they can leave behind the struggles of today and embrace a life filled with stability and opportunity. For Artem and his family, each day is a testament to their resilience and determination to overcome adversity, one step at a time.