Home / Sponsor a Child / Dmytro


ID #:
August 26, 2011

Dear sponsor,

My name is Dmytro, I am 12 years old. I live in a heroic city. My dad can’t work now because of his health condition, but he tries very hard for us. My mom Vika works at a State University at the Faculty of Physical Education at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education as a laboratory assistant. I have an older sister, Nastia, she teaches me how to cook and we play various games with her. I have a best friend, Andriy, and we play soccer together in the one team. We have been friends since we were four years old. We also played Minecraft. We can’t play outside now because of the danger. At Christmas, we always go to my grandmother’s house, and she always cooks our favorite dishes for us. During summer vacations, we used to go to the seaside as a family. Now, due to the security situation in the city, I spend my vacations at home. I am in the 7th grade. Now I study remotely. Usually, lessons are held from 9:00 to 14:00. Every Tuesday, before classes start, we have an hour of conversation where they tell us a lot of interesting things. I miss talking to my classmates, my friends, and my teammates in person. At school, we study algebra, geometry, English, biology, history, chemistry, culture, and labor training. My favorite dishes are fish salad, potatoes, meat, cakes, and pizza, but at home, we usually cook soup, pasta, porridge, and borscht. On holidays, I get all kinds of goodies from my friends. In my free time, I help my mom and dad with household chores. When I grow up, I want to become a famous soccer player or coach. Thank you, dear sponsor, for your interest in my life. I look forward to hearing from you and will be glad to receive your letter.


Caseworker Comments:

Dmytro is an obedient and caring boy who often needs encouragement and support from his parents to push himself further. Despite his shyness, he enjoys talking to others. He loves creating things and has mastered the art of wood engraving by burning. Dmytro currently shares a laptop/tablet with his sister for online education, which can be challenging. Dmytro helps out at home by filling up drinking water, assisting in the kitchen, and taking care of his beloved cat, Bahiru. He enjoys playing football, wood engraving, and sometimes plays Minecraft with his friends. His favorite school subjects are Technology, PE, History of Ukraine, and World History.

This family of five lives in one apartment. Besides Dmytro, his sister, and parents, there’s also an elderly relative who had to move in with them after his apartment was damaged in a dangerous area under constant shelling. The grandfather is not mobile, so Viktoriia and Andrii brought him into their home to care for him.

Viktoriia works as a laboratory assistant at a State University, mostly online, and also works part-time at the market on weekends to make ends meet. Andrii, Dmytro’s father, suffers from a severe back condition and cannot work, though he helps with household chores. The children get along well, helping each other with homework, cooking together, and watching movies. Anastasiia, Dmytro’s sister, encourages him to be more active and social.

Before the war, Dmytro was an active, sociable boy who loved playing soccer and spending time with friends. However, the war changed everything. His friends left the city, football training and competitions stopped, and Dmytro became withdrawn, spending most of his time indoors and gaining weight. Viktoriia is very concerned about his apathy and occasionally takes him to the playground for exercise. Dmytro dreams of his friends returning and spending time together again.

The family moves frequently from one rental apartment to another. Despite the challenges, Viktoriia does her best to provide for everyone. The family’s living conditions are decent but cluttered, with issues like cat odor and poor hygiene. They have to fetch drinking water from a well or buy it from the store. The apartment, though safe, has no hot water or kitchen ventilation, leading to excessive humidity. The rental agreement restricts making any changes unless they are urgent repairs.

In summary, Dmytro’s family is close-knit and supportive despite their struggles. They have decent living conditions, but there are areas that need improvement. Dmytro dreams of a time when he can be active and social again, surrounded by his friends. Dmytro and his family are in need of your support.