Home / Sponsor a Child / Nazarii


ID #:
January 12, 2021

Dear sponsor,

My name is Nazarii, I’m 3 years old and I live in a village. My father works as a builder. My mother doesn’t have a job. My brother Davyd likes to play football a lot. My best friend is my brother Orest because he shares his stuff with me, and we also play hide-and-seek together. On Christmas, we go to church. I’m still very little so I haven’t gone to school yet. I love eating candy. During the holidays I eat potatoes with cutlets. I spend a lot of time with my brother Orest. In the future, I want to become a doctor.  Dear sponsor, thank you for loving me already. I wish you to be healthy.

With love,


Caseworker’s Comments:

Meet Nazarii, a lively and joyful toddler who is just beginning to find his voice, and once he starts talking, there’s no stopping him. At three years old, Nazarii is bursting with energy, delighting in playing with his collection of toy cars and unleashing his creativity through colorful drawings. Growing up within a bustling household of nine siblings, he finds himself constantly engaged and learning from his older brothers and sisters.

Nazarii’s family is a tight knit unit, resiliently enduring the storms of life together, particularly their ongoing financial struggles exacerbated by the challenging circumstances in Ukraine. His father, Volodymyr, formerly worked away at a construction site while being a church minister, enduring harsh six-day workweeks regardless of the weather conditions. However, due to health complications stemming from his vigorous labor, he’s now unable to continue working in that capacity. Meanwhile Nazarii’s mother, Olena, shoulders the immense responsibility of caring for their large family, a task made even more demanding by her own health issues stemming from multiple childbirths and surgeries. Despite her own physical challenges, she tirelessly attends to the needs of her children, from preparing meals to assisting with homework, all while grappling with the financial strain of managing their household.

The family’s financial troubles are further compounded by the frequent illnesses plaguing the children, exacerbated by their limited resources to afford proper medical care. With no support from extended family due to their untimely demise, the burden falls squarely on Volodymyr and Olena’s shoulders to provide for their children’s needs.

Despite their hardships, the family remains resilient and industrious, with the older children striving to pursue higher education and better opportunities. However, the meager social benefits they receive each month ($100CAD/2960UAH) barely make a dent in their mounting expenses, from medical bills to daily necessities like clothing and transportation.

Living in a cramped and dilapidated five-room house, the family dreams of a brighter future where they can afford essential repairs and renovations, such as fixing their bathroom and expanding their living space to accommodate their growing family comfortably. Nazarii and his family are immensely grateful for any support extended to them, knowing that it will make a tangible difference in their lives, providing them with the hope and assistance they desperately need to navigate through their challenges and build a better future together.