Home / Sponsor a Child / **Vlada**


ID #:
August 29, 2016


Dear sponsor,

My name is Vlada, and I am seven years old. I live in a very green and beautiful city. My mother’s name is Olha. She works as a lawyer. I have a brother, Dmytro. It’s a lot of fun to spend time with him. I have a few friends: Ihor, Yana, and Sonia. We make cards together and give them to people on the street. I am in grade 1. I like Math, PE, and English. I don’t like it that I can’t see my friends face to face. As for food, I love pickled mushrooms. My mom usually cooks for us potato pancakes, borscht, mashed potatoes, and cutlets. In my free time, I talk to my friends, and we have a lot of fun together. At Christmas, it’s a lot of fun too. We also light sparklers. I want to be a director of a kindergarten when I grow up. Dear sponsor, I’d like to get to know you better. I am looking forward to hearing back from you. Thank you very much for wanting to help others.


Caseworker Comments:

Meet Vlada, a sweet and friendly girl with a big heart. She loves people and gets attached easily, but she can also be a bit stubborn and very sensitive. Despite these traits, Vlada is incredibly generous and sociable. She helps around the house by tidying up her toys, doing her homework, washing the dishes, making her bed, and so much more. Her parents are deeply grateful for her immense help. Vlada also takes great care of the family pet. She loves dancing, painting, and making crafts, where she shows off her unique creativity and artistic skills. In school, Vlada excels in Science, Math, and Literature.

Vlada comes from a loving and caring family, but like all families, they have their challenges. The family includes Vlada’s mother Olha, her brother Dmytro, and her grandparents. Sadly, their father left the family and rarely communicates with the children, slowing down the divorce process, and alimony has not yet been ordered. Olha, her children, and her parents are currently living at a friend’s house. In June 2023, Vlada’s grandmother became bedridden, and the family devotedly cared for her. Their home was destroyed by the flood caused by the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, and they are spending all their energy and resources on restoration.

Despite the hardships, the family maintains a peaceful and loving atmosphere. Due to the ongoing war, Vlada’s parents have been unable to work as they used to, but her mother, a lawyer, continues to provide legal services online. The family lost everything in the flood: belongings, appliances, furniture, clothes, and their sense of normalcy. The stress from these events led to Vlada’s grandmother suffering a stroke, and now they spend a significant amount of money on her care.

Vlada’s grandfather works tirelessly as a security guard and spends his free time restoring their home. Olha earns money by giving legal advice and volunteers as a street counselor, helping those in need. She raises her children with dedication, ensuring they have what they need for a comfortable life. The children miss their home dearly and dream of moving back. They are obedient and understanding, with Vlada being particularly mature for her age. Her brother, Dmytro, dreams of becoming a Security Service officer and helping his mother with everything.

Vlada feels deeply hurt by her father’s absence and often cries when thinking about him. She has a valgus foot deformity but dreams of dancing and attending children’s clubs in her city. Her legs often hurt in the evenings, and her mother or brother massages them or gives her a bath. Vlada occasionally needs therapeutic massages and hospital visits for her feet but her mother is not able to afford these treatments for her. The family is working hard to repair their house as quickly as possible, as their current living arrangement is only temporary.

The family needs help restoring their flooded home, getting new clothes, furniture, and dishes. Although their current apartment is spacious, tidy, and has good sanitary conditions, it is only a temporary solution. The strength and spirit of this family, despite all they’ve endured, is truly admirable. They dream of a restored home where they can live comfortably again. Your help would mean the world to Vlada and her family.