HART has been working with the Calgary Stampede for the last eight years sending stuffed toys to children every year in Ukraine.
Each year, roughly 4,000- 5,000 stuffies find their way from the stampede grounds to the HART office in the city’s northeast, then shipped and distributed to the partners throughout Eastern Europe and finally find themselves in the hands of thousands of underprivileged children.
Many folks visiting the Calgary Stampede might not even realize what they’re doing when they toss there unwanted stuffed toys they have won into the big white donation bins throughout the stampede grounds, they might just be looking to lighten their loads on their way home. But “Somebody else’s discards might make the day of someone in need, somewhere far away from here”.
Buy donating these stuffies, it’s giving a little bit of hope to children that don’t get a lot in life, most of them have nothing. Majority of children have to share everything they have with their siblings or children in their orphanages, but these stuffed toys is one thing each child will get to keep and call it their own. Many of these children will spend their lives up until the age of 16 in an orphanages and some will end up on the street after that.
We ask you to join with us and donate your unwanted stuffies this STAMPEDE. Donation bins specifically for stuffed toys are located on the Stampede grounds at the north and south gates, and a third by the BMO Centre.
Please contact us by phone 403 230 8263 or visit us at 106, 90 Freeport Blvd NE, Calgary if you:
- Don’t have a stuffed toy to give but you would like to make a donation to help with the shipping costs or
- Would like to be apart of our volunteer pick up crew (one volunteer per day during the 10 days of Stampede)