One of the most effective ways to FIGHT human trafficking is through education and awareness programs among young people. Here is how you can help:
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[toggle title=”Invest in awareness programs”]
It is critical to raise awareness among the young people in Eastern Europe, especially those who are high at-risk children. This is accomplished through Anti-Human Trafficking awareness programs…
- In schools & universities (tens of thousands of kids are impacted each year);
- To orphans through our Orphanage Ministries;
- Through ministries to street kids, kids from families in crisis and desperately poor families;
- At summer camps. HART sends over 7,000 kids to camps each summer;
- For teachers, students & parents in high risk regions of their countries;
- Through conferences held in a variety of countries such as Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and Central Asian countries.
[toggle title=”Invest in the development of resources for programs”]
The importance of multi-media in the education/prevention process cannot be emphasized enough. Please support…
- The production and distribution of anti-trafficking resources such as films, documentaries and brochures to our network of National Churches and ministries dealing with youth in our targeted countries.
[toggle title=”Invest in the media equipment for presentations”]
- HART is providing laptops and projectors for ministry volunteers as they impact tens of thousands of high school students through trafficking awareness programs.
[toggle title=”Invest in projects that protect children”]
HART partners with many agencies, ministries and churches who:
- Visit orphanages and develop relationships with the kids;
- Work with street kids and at-risk teens through outreach programs and soup kitchens;
- Provide emergency shelters (safe-homes) for street children;
- Offer safe housing and vocational training for at-risk young girls;
- Equip at-risk youth through vocational training and employment;
- Provide transition housing for graduates from government-run orphanages;
- Operate Christian foster homes;
- Manage Christian orphanages – getting kids out of state- run facilities and into a place where they are safe;
- Provide legal assistance for vulnerable orphans/ street kids/children from prisons;
- Facilitate the adoption of orphans by Christian families;
- Provide micro-credit to start businesses and employment.
[toggle title=”Education is a powerful weapon. Invest in education programs for at-risk girls.”]
Many of the victims of human trafficking are from impoverished families. The parents typically suffer from addiction to alcohol or drugs, psychological or mental health issues, etc.
Girls from these families have few options and eventually start to work on the streets or move to another country to seek employment. Because of their lack of education they are easy prey for traffickers and pimps.
- Scholarships: HART provides scholarships for at-risk young girls, giving them an option that can free them from a life of poverty and potential abuse, drug addiction and death. A diploma from a vocational training college or a university degree will help their marketability in the workplace.
- Social assistance: Case-workers visit them in their homes and schools, speaking with the parents and teachers to monitor their progress.
[toggle title=”Sponsor a child”]
- Give a child hope. Give a family hope. Change the destiny of a child living in poverty and your life will be changed too!
- Learn how to become a Child Sponsor.