Church-Ministries Support
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Church-Ministries Support

Church – Ministry Support

Help us support existing and new National churches to be places of restoration, transformation, and healing in Eastern Europe. Help us support their pastors and their ministries. YOUR GIFT can help them grow their churches, ultimately leading to their self-sufficiency.

Chaplain Ministry Support

During this war, the role of chaplains is increasingly important as they play a crucial role in offering spiritual guidance, counseling, and pastoral care to soldiers on the front lines. They organize religious services, provide prayer support, and offer a compassionate presence during combat and in military hospitals.

These courageous, selfless Christians voluntarily go into harm’s way to bring the message of salvation and God’s love to young men who could die at any time. YOUR GIFT will allow us to continue to support and grow this important ministry.


  • Church support
  • Pastor support (personal)
  • Pastoral education: training & conferences
  • Support for Ministries of the Church:
    • Chaplains Ministry
    • Compassion ministries in local community
    • Women’s Ministries
    • Day-care Ministries
    • Children-Youth ministries
    • Sports Ministries
    • Hearing Impaired Ministries
    • Senior Care