Micro-finance Loans/Grants
Microfinance is the practice of extending small loans to individuals who do not have access to this type of capital. This allows individuals who are living in poverty to work on becoming financially independent. The objective is to give people the opportunity to work their way into better living conditions for their families, either through the loan or grant process.
One of our successful grant programs took place in a Gypsy village. We funded a local Baptist Church to purchase potatoes for planting. The church members took care of the fields all spring/summer and the eventual harvest. The Church then repaid a portion of the grant back by supplying a local orphanage with an entire winter’s supply of potatoes.
A donation to HART’s Micro-Credit loan/grant project will help small business enterprises like bakeries, sewing, landscaping services, auto repair, farming, photography, cabinet-making, bee farms, or greenhouse produce.
Give the gift of income generation and financial self-sustainability.