HART builds low maintenance, colorful, fun, playground apparatus, and distributes these to needy institutions through partnerships with local evangelical churches.
Over the past 20 years, HART has built and installed over 250 Play-Centers, bringing delight, laughter, and healthy exercise to thousands of children each day in Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania. The beneficiaries include orphanages, children’s hospitals, special needs schools, special needs hospitals, foster homes, small communities, church grounds, and summer camp bases.
COMMUNITY IMPACT. The importance of this project lies in the connection created between ministries and their communities through the Play-Centers. The equipment is further evidence that the church cares about people in the community. It gives the local ministry credibility and an opportunity to share God’s love with orphans, sick children, and thousands of non-churched children at summer camps. “Built-in Ukraine” means creating jobs for local Christians.
The cost for the construction, transportation, and installation of one Play-System is $1,000 US.
YOUR SUPPORT will help us bring JOY into the lives of countless children.