Summer Camp Videos
Due to the support of people like YOU – from across Canada and the USA – each year we are able to send up to 10,000 underprivileged children from Ukraine and other Eastern European countries to summer camps.
How important are summer camp programs?
Let the kids tell you themselves…
1. Overview of HART camps
2. A day in the life of a summer camper
3. Remembering summer camps when I was young
4. Special Needs camps
5. Summer camp for Volodya
6. Why summer camps are important
Each year – because of the support of people across Canada and the USA – we have been sending up to 10,000 underprivileged children from Ukraine and other Eastern European countries to summer camps.
Thanks to YOU – these are kids who will go to camps each summer.
Children from orphanages, foster homes, street kids, gypsy villages; children with special needs; those from desperately poor families including refugees and children living in the war zones in Eastern Ukraine.
The results from these camps?
Thousands of stories of CHANGED LIVES AND FAMILIES!