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Help spread the word about the work HART is doing by being an Advocate

Prayer: Uphold the work HART does through local partners in prayer. Email HART at prayer@hart.ca to

Church Relations: Mobilize local churches to engage their congregations and communities in the work HART is doing. Develop new contacts, network with church leaders and provide regular support and encouragement.

Community Relations: Work throughout the year to build relationships with community groups and increase awareness through local events and conferences.

Media Relations: Build awareness and encourage participation in the work HART is doing. Connect local news media stories of what is happening in Eastern Europe and HART’s response to the issues.

HART Advocate: We are looking for donors who feel passionate about our ministry and who would like to tell others about our organization. If you are interested in becoming a HART advocate in your community, email us at office@hart.ca or call HART at 403-230-8263;