Greetings! For most people in North America, their interest in the daily news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine seems to be waning. Let’s face it, we in the West have short attention spans. But for the citizens of Ukraine, this war is the destruction of their world, families, and futures.
For people in HART’s community, I’m confident the following story is indicative of how most of you feel about the tragedy and horrors of this war.
An 85-year-old gentleman came to our office last week. We know him well; he and his wife have been HART supporters for years. He walked slowly but deliberately up to the reception desk. With tears in his eyes, he gently shook his head (as if to say, ‘This suffering has to stop’), laid a check on the desk, and walked back to his car. He felt so deeply for the Ukrainian people that he literally could not even speak. This silent, 20-second heartfelt scene had a powerful impact on our staff as a demonstration of solidarity with HART and the Ukrainian people we serve.
Thanks to all the compassionate, generous people in HART’s family throughout Canada and the USA for standing with us to support Ukraine! Lives are being changed for time and eternity because YOU CARE!
Gratefully yours,
Lloyd Cenaiko
Together, changing the world – one heart at a time.
How HART is Responding to the Needs in Ukraine
The needs of our partner churches in Ukraine are enormous. So, how do we bring relief to Ukrainians whose lives have been torn apart by the conflict with the funds you have blessed us with?
First, we utilize our nationwide network to gather information on how best to assist churches practically and effectively. Second, HART program directors research and report from areas near the front lines or communities recently liberated. Their task is to inform us of the current or projected emergency needs in these conflict regions. Third, we determine whether we can resource needed items in Ukraine or send our teams to Poland to purchase goods and materials there. Fourth, procurement happens, and Fifth, we facilitate delivery to our partner churches.
With YOUR support, we spent December thru February helping churches ‘winterize’ in response to the Russian attacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure. We delivered food, hygiene products, and medicines, but most importantly, we purchased generators, power stations, and propane heaters in Poland and hand-delivered these to churches throughout Ukraine.
You can see from the letters of thanks (below) just how grateful the Ukrainian people are for your support. Two generators even made it to the front lines (including Bakhmut) to assist with the living conditions for Ukrainian soldiers in these conflict zones.
Heartfelt thanks to YOU!
TOGETHER we ARE changing hearts, restoring hope, and saving lives during this war in Ukraine. Thank you!
Teenage boy raising his siblings alone.
Vyacheslav Yalov’s mother, Maryna, 37, was killed in the Donbas by Russian shelling as they were walking home together. He and his four young siblings have been evacuated to western Ukraine. Watch the interview with this courageous eighteen-year-old boy who plans to raise his siblings alone.
New HART Partner – Rehabilitation Ministry
To HART’s community:
“What you do is more than just money …. we are so encouraged because we understand that God himself encourages us through you!” Pastor Maxim
Pastor Maxim Mamakin leads two Baptist Churches in the city of Makariv and Kyiv. They operate drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers out of both. This is another dynamic, fruitful Ukrainian ministry we are honored to co-labor with and introduce you to. They have numerous amazing transformation stories (in English) on their website. Please check it out and pray about supporting this new ministry partner.
Roman’s story – surviving captivity
“When the war began, eight graduates of our Rehab program chose to enlist in the army. Sadly, one of those brave men, Roman, went missing. The whole church prayed for his protection and that his relatives would receive some news about him. We all understood that he was either a prisoner of war or already dead.
However, our faithful and loving God does all things perfectly, and so, after a month of prayers, Roman was able to contact his family and report that he was alive, almost unharmed, and had already been released from captivity.
God’s miracle is that Roman and several other soldiers were exchanged quickly and were able to return home. We know that over 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers have remained in captivity for more than six months. Please join us in prayer for them too.” Pastor Maxim
Watch Roman’s interview about his time in captivity.
War refugees grapple with returning to Ukraine
Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian war refugees in Europe struggle to envision their future. Should they plan to stay where they are for the sake of their kids, having found good education, friendships, jobs, and opportunities? Or should they plan on returning to pick up the threads of their unraveled past lives? For many, it remains a question that is difficult to answer.
All the hospitals Russia has destroyed in Ukraine
A new report from the Physicians for Human Rights demonstrates the extent of Russia’s offensive against Ukraine’s healthcare system in 2022.

Here are specific prayer points that can help guide our prayers for the situation in Ukraine. Please share these with your friends and family:
- Pray for and ask to see God’s glory amid this great struggle. Pray that He would be glorified through the Christians in Ukraine who are being his hands and feet during this terrible tragedy.
- Pray for God’s peace to be a source of strength for the thousands of Ukrainian workers/volunteers who are serving refugees who need to hear of God’s love for them.
- Pray for God’s protection for soldiers and civilians caught up in this conflict.
- Pray for the residents of cities and towns who are under heavy shelling, and have lost their heat, lights, and water.
- Pray for the civilian and military prisoners of war who are subject to torture and death at the hands of their captors.
- Ask God to comfort the many families that have lost mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters during this Russian invasion. The pain and heartache are overwhelming for most families.
- Pray for the frustration of all evil plans of the enemy.
- Ask God to intervene. Pray for wisdom for world leaders. Pray that God would move in their hearts and guide their steps and plans to end this war.
- Pray for the President (Zelensky) and the leaders of Ukraine to know God’s truth and peace and be transformed by his Holy Spirit so that they would seek to lead their country in the way of peace.
- Ask that this conflict would open doors of opportunities for the gospel. Pray that He would make his name known across Ukraine, Russia, and all the European countries that refugees are fleeing to due to this conflict.