Your Support is Making a Difference!
We know 2024 will be another challenging year for HART; however, as we contemplate the year that has just ended, our hearts are sincerely filled with gratitude and awe for the light you’ve brought into the lives of those experiencing the darkness of war in Ukraine.
Your faithful support has been a beacon of hope, allowing HART to stand alongside the church and people of Ukraine during this horrific, tragic war. Your contributions have not only sustained the critical work of our church partners but have also been a lifeline for thousands of people facing the harsh realities of war.
May the coming year be one of healing, restoration, and peace for the people of Ukraine. With your continued support, we can be instruments of God’s grace, bringing comfort to the afflicted and building a foundation for a brighter future.
We ask you to be diligent in your prayers that this war ends soon, and together with local Ukrainian churches, you and I, and HART’s community, will be on the ‘front lines’ of rebuilding Ukraine, one community at a time. May God bless you richly in the coming year! With heartfelt gratitude,
Office, below is a brief glimpse of what you helped us accomplish in 2023 through our church partners!
However, the destruction and pain continue, as this war is still far from over. To assist our partner churches, the following is a list of HART’S current priorities during these cold winter months:
Please help us support our network of churches across Ukraine,
as they meet the needs of those impacted by this war.
Matching Gift Results – THANK YOU!
Thanks for choosing to serve alongside us in Eastern Europe.
Together, we are… changing hearts – restoring hope
– and saving lives during this crisis in Ukraine.
The latest update on Olya
Thanks to all of you who have been praying for Olya. She is alive! And was able to come home from the front lines for the first time in 3 years. She spent ten glorious days with her daughters and her mom.
In early February 2022, just weeks before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we shared the touching story of Olya with our HART community. Her heartrending story unfolded against the backdrop of difficult circumstances, as Olya and her mother found themselves responsible for raising her two young daughters and her deceased sister’s two daughters in a run-down village house. These six females were living in deplorable conditions.
Faced with limited employment opportunities in her hometown, Olya made the courageous decision to enlist in the military to support her mother and the children. It’s a remarkable tale of love, determination, and the profound impact of the Child Sponsor Program, which brought the message of Jesus to the entire family. For the details on Olya’s transformative journey, continue reading here:
Thanks to the response of HART’s community, we began raising funds to renovate Olya’s house. However, the local church (HART’s CSP partner) wanted to help this family in a special way. Rather than attempting to renovate Olya’s crumbling house, they decided to assist with some funds and, along with YOUR support, were able to purchase an apartment in their town, close to the church and schools.
Olya’s daughter Maria is in our Child Sponsor Program, and her Sponsor is Garth C. from Saskatchewan. Here are two letters he recently received from the Caseworker and Olya.
Caseworker: Dear Garth, life in Ukraine is tough nowadays. All Ukrainian families are going through different challenges, as the war still brings lots of sorrow. It canceled the dreams of many young Ukrainians. But you, dear Sponsor, still care for the others even more and provide Maria and her family with financial help. We are infinitely grateful for that! Your support is of great importance to the family. Their mother recently returned home for a short visit because she had a holiday from her military service. The children were so happy to spend time with their mother, and they all went to the church together.
Olya’s letter to her Garth from the front lines of the war in Ukraine:
Dear Garth! Maria’s mother, Olya, is writing to you from the frontline.
Thank you very much for the financial help you gave my family, especially my daughters Ilona and Maria. They always tell me about you and that you are such a nice friend to them. We used the funds you sent us to buy some furniture in our apartment – we bought beds for the girls.
I had a holiday from my military service for ten days, and I had the opportunity to visit my family. I was very happy to see my daughters, whom I hadn’t seen for three years. They grew up so much and became true Christians. My heartfelt thanks to you.
Thank you for your prayers and support for Olya! Please continue to pray for her protection as she is still serving as a cook at the front lines of this conflict. Pray that she can return safely back home from this war.
For accurate, up-to-date info on all things Ukraine
Putin’s 143 Million Prisoners
Russia is a criminal organization where elections are windowdressing, and speech is about as free as it is inside China’s Politburo.
…by Canada’s Diane Francis
Pray for Ukraine, Pray for Peace
Here are specific prayer points that can help guide our prayers for the situation in Ukraine. Please share these with your friends and family:
- Pray for the physical protection and provision for Ukrainian soldiers, civilians, and especially children in harm’s way. Supernaturally and otherwise, minimize the suffering and loss of life. Pray for children who see things no child’s eye should ever see. Pray for God to protect their hearts and minds.
- Pray for and ask to see God’s glory amid this great struggle. Pray that He would continue to be glorified through the Christians in Ukraine who are being his hands and feet during this tragedy.
- Pray for the volunteer Chaplains who are ministering to the military and civilians at the front lines. Pray that more Ukrainian soldiers have a chance to talk to someone (chaplains or fellow soldiers) who could share Christ and pray with them.
- Pray for God’s peace to strengthen and encourage the thousands of Ukrainian workers/volunteers serving refugees, and the poor in their communities, who need to hear of God’s love for them through these Christian workers.
- Pray for the wounded soldiers returning from the war with missing limbs and suffering from PTSD. Pray that they receive the proper medical care and that they will hear the message of God’s love through local church volunteers who visit them in hospitals.
- Pray for the residents of cities and towns who are under heavy, indiscriminate shelling and have lost their homes and livelihoods.
- Pray for countless civilian and military prisoners of war who are subject to torture and death at the hands of their captors.
- Ask God to comfort the families that have lost mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters during this conflict.
- Pray for God to give justice and peace to all those who have been cruelly and unfairly treated by their fellow man.
- Ask God to intervene. Pray that God would give wisdom and move in the hearts of world leaders and guide their plans to end this war.
- Pray for the President (Zelensky) and the leaders of Ukraine to know God’s truth and peace and be transformed by his Holy Spirit so that they would seek to lead their country in the way of peace.
- Pray that this conflict will continue to open doors to the truth of the gospel message. Pray that He would make his name known across Ukraine, Russia, and all European countries refugees have fled to.