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Gifts of Hope

Gifts of Hope projects:


Seminary Scholarship Fund

Leo Korownyk’s passion for Christian education in Ukraine was deeply rooted in his desire to nurture young...

Chaplain Ministry

What do chaplains do? FRONT LINES: Chaplains provide soldiers with spiritual guidance and moral support, helping them...

Central Asia Ministries

Central Asian Ministries Persecution of Christians is common and severe in Central Asia. They face persecution, including...

Resources for Churches

Resources for Churches An existing church or a new church plant requires great leadership, vision, hard work...

Church-Ministries Support

YOUR GIFT will empower National churches to grow, as they transform their communities through the ministries of...

Church Buildings

Impacting a community happens best when a church is rooted deeply in its own community, thus church...

Schools for Gypsy Children

The illiteracy rate in most Gypsy communities is 95%. Neither their culture nor the government schools encourage...

Education Scholarship Fund

Families living in poverty cannot afford higher education for their children, and yet most young people desperately...