Russia bombing Kharkiv and Region
Thousands of Ukrainian residents have been forced to flee their homes in the Kharkiv region amid days of heavy shelling and incremental advances by Russian forces.
HART ministry partners in Kharkiv are engaged in a relentless battle to save lives by evacuating people living in towns and villages in Russia’s path. Our volunteers are putting themselves in harm’s way, risking their lives to extract civilians from the very jaws of this conflict.
Recently, we received a desperate plea from one of our partners to help buy used vans to continue the emergency evacuations, as two of their vehicles were deemed irreparable.
But thanks to all of you in our HART Community, we immediately sent them funds for one vehicle (US 10,000). Supporting the ‘Ukraine Crisis MATCH’ will help us send funds for another van.
See the video below – and please continue to pray for Ukraine, for the soldiers on the front lines ready to lay their lives down for freedom and democracy, and also for the army of volunteers, including (HARTs), for their protection as they save lives and share God’s love with desperate, hurting people caught in the crosshairs of this conflict.
Matching funds opportunity
Any donations made to either of these programs will be matched up to $50,000 until May 31, 2024.

Help us resource churches in Ukraine to help those in need.
Help us send thousands of
kids to camps this summer.
Air Raid Siren
Traumatized children reacting to air raid sirens.
Thanks for the First Aid kits.
Poignant thanks to HART for providing First Aid kits to civilians and soldiers along the front-line regions.
A Theory of Victory for Ukraine.
With the Right Support and Approach, Kyiv Can Still Win.
“The West must explicitly state that its goal is a decisive Ukrainian victory and Russian defeat.”
Foreign Affairs, May 21, 2024

Russia’s War Against Evangelicals.
Beatings, electric shocks. Pastor Azat shares his story.
INDIFFERENCE is a disease. The cure is ACTION.
Thank you HART Community!

Your support of HART allows our partner churches in Ukraine to pour God’s love into the lives of refugees, seniors, and needy families.
We CAN change the world – one heart at a time!

A Heart Overflowing with Compassion
Although Ihor was raised in an orphanage without parental love, his friends would say that God’s love had been planted in his heart since he was a child.
“War is a merciless force that leaves irreversible consequences. It takes away everything you have. Because of the war, I experienced the most excruciating loss – the loss of a friend.” Iryna Larikova
Pray for Ukraine, Pray for Peace

Here are specific prayer points that can help guide our prayers for the situation in Ukraine. Please share these with your friends and family.