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Ukraine at War – Update 13, 2024

UKRAINE CRISIS I realize it is hard for us in the West to fully grasp the scale of Ukraine’s crisis since the war began on February 24, 2022. Perhaps this illustration can help us process the magnitude of this tragedy from another perspective. According to the United Nations, 6.5 million Ukrainians have fled the country […]

Ukraine at War – Update 12, 2024

UKRAINE CRISIS RESPONSE Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure cause blackouts across the country Ten days ago, Ukraine imposed emergency power shutdowns in most of the country, a day after Russia unleashed large-scale attacks on energy infrastructure and claimed it made gains in the eastern Donetsk province. Sustained Russian attacks on Ukraine’s power grid in […]

Ukraine at War – Update 11, 2024

Russia bombing Kharkiv and Region Thousands of Ukrainian residents have been forced to flee their homes in the Kharkiv region amid days of heavy shelling and incremental advances by Russian forces. HART ministry partners in Kharkiv are engaged in a relentless battle to save lives by evacuating people living in towns and villages in Russia’s […]

Ukraine at War – Update 10, 2024

EVERY GIFT TO HART HAS THE POWER TO TRANSFORM LIVES My greatest joy and fulfillment in HART’s work comes from witnessing the thousands of lives transformed spiritually and practically each year through our church partners across Ukraine. To play even a small role in this life-changing impact is a profound privilege and honor that motivates […]

Ukraine at War – Update 09, 2024

Another ‘Small’ Story in a Big War The letter you are about to read offers a touching, candid glimpse into the daily realities faced by countless children in war-torn Ukraine. Tetiana’s words are a powerful testament to her faith in God, the strength of the human spirit, and the ability of the Ukrainian people, even […]

Ukraine at War – Update 08, 2024

A Small Story in a Big War No story is truly small in the grand scheme of this horrific war. Each one represents the human spirit’s refusal to be extinguished, the determination to survive, and the willingness to support one another in the face of unimaginable hardship. These small stories, woven together, form a tapestry […]

Ukraine at War – Update 07, 2024

The following letter is for you and our entire HART community from a grateful ministry partner serving in Southern Ukraine near the war zones. Together, we CAN change the world – one heart at a time. “On behalf of our ministry, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your continuous, generous support and […]

Ukraine at War – Update 06, 2024

In a recent journal post, Pastor Andrey (a HART partner) penned a prayer that encapsulates the feelings of so many Ukrainians we’ve talked to recently. Andrey spends the majority of his time traveling to the frontlines, delivering crucial humanitarian aid, supplies for bakeries, and water to communities lacking access to drinking water. He’s witnessed the […]

Ukraine at War – Update 05, 2024

It sure seems like the world around us is circling the drain, doesn’t it? However, during these challenging times, we need to remember that no matter what station in life God has you in now—be it a student, a retiree, a doctor, a teacher, or a business professional—God has created your life to count in […]

Ukraine at War – Update 04, 2024

What are Ukrainians really thinking? When Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” on Feb. 24, 2022, many expected his invasion of Ukraine would be over within days, or at the most several weeks. Still, Ukraine fought back throughout 2022, forcing Russian troops into humiliating retreats. However, due to the West’s delays and […]

Ukraine at War – Update 03, 2024

Of all the war crimes being committed by Russia in its brutal war on Ukraine, the mass deportation of children so they can be re-educated and raised as Russians stands out as one of theclearest crimes against humanity. Russian children’s commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova (right) has said that more than 700,000 Ukrainian children have been taken […]

Is it worth living at all?

It is not scary to die, it is scary to live! by HART staff in Ukraine Every conflict eventually comes to an end. The current war, initiated by Russia and costing us dearly, will also conclude. Yet, there are people who will persist in their battles beyond the war’s end. They will strive for recognition […]

A Christmas Miracle

A Mother’s Journey to Save her Son by Pastor Serhiy, Light of the Gospel Church Every child desires their mother’s comforting presence to soothe their hurts, to praise them for good grades at school or acts of kindness, and to bid them goodnight with a song and a prayer. Similarly, every mother yearns for mornings […]

Ukraine at War – Update 02, 2024

We are called to carry light into darkness. Dina’s hometown was shelled mercilessly by Russian tanks during their invasion. Most homes were destroyed, including hers. Six months later, when the Russians retreated, the locals had to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. Because of HART’s new mobile home project and its cooperation with […]

Ukraine at War – Update 01, 2024

Your Support is Making a Difference! We know 2024 will be another challenging year for HART; however, as we contemplate the year that has just ended, our hearts are sincerely filled with gratitude and awe for the light you’ve brought into the lives of those experiencing the darkness of war in Ukraine. Your faithful support […]

Who Really Has Your Ear

Who Really Has Your Ear? The Re-Forming Power of Words We have surrounded ourselves with screens. On the desk. In the family room. Even in bedrooms and kitchens. Increasingly in automobiles. One for every passenger on the airplane? And most importantly, hitchhiking on our person everywhere we go. Once upon a time, screens came attached […]

The future Is Too Important to Just Wait For It

Volodymyr Zelensky has a message for Americans about democracy. ESQUIRE, PUBLISHED: OCT 5, 2023 September 4, 12:05 a.m. It is night in Ukraine at the moment. Another week of war is over. And probably no one in Ukraine will remember which week of the war it was. It is the first minutes of a new […]

Ukraine at War – Update 24, 2023

Ukraine celebrates its first Christmas on DEC 25 Traditionally, Ukrainians celebrate Christmas on January 7th, in line with the Russian Orthodox church. However, Ukraine celebrated Christmas on December 25th this year for the first time. The date change – moving away from the Julian calendar favored by the Orthodox Church – is part of a […]

Ukraine at War – Update 23, 2023

Thanks to you and our entire HART community for your faithful prayers and support this past year. The following letter of thanks is from a partner ministry. It can be echoed hundreds of times all over Ukraine by those who have been the beneficiaries of your prayers and generous, compassionate heart. Dear HART supporters, I […]

Ukraine at War – Update 22, 2023

This is a heartfelt letter from a soldier stationed near the front lines of the war in Ukraine expressing gratitude to HART and his Sponsor for the profound impact they’ve had on his life. In a world full of tragedy and heartache, it’s refreshing to hear an inspiring story to keep us grounded. Dmytro, aged […]

Ukraine at War – Update 21, 2023

10 Years Ago, Dignity Rose Up for Liberty and Prevailed Hi Office, on Nov 21, Ukrainians nationwide commemorated the anniversary of the historic events that altered the trajectory of Ukraine’s history. This day, ten years ago, saw the start of a mass protest action on Kyiv’s Maidan central square in response to the government’s reversal […]

Ukraine at War – Update 20, 2023

WAR FATIGUE Hi Office, It is clearly obvious that the global spotlight has shifted from Ukraine to the Israel-Gaza conflict over the past several weeks. Therefore, it is understandable that many people in Ukraine are worrying about and questioning whether global attention and resolve can be sustained on two significant conflicts simultaneously. Nonetheless, during the […]

Ukraine at War – Update 19, 2023

Dear Office, One of the most troubling aspects of this war is to try to make some sense of the destruction and death that that has engulfed the nation of Ukraine. Yet, as we reflect on the 20 months that have passed since the onset of this conflict, and as we survey the landscape and […]

Ukraine at War – Update 13, 2023

Dear Office, Our Child Sponsor Director in Ukraine recently shared with us the following story, which serves as a poignant reminder of the anguish and grief experienced by countless families as a consequence of Russia’s aggression against a free and democratic Ukraine. Balloons for Daddy by Julia Savchak The war in Ukraine has brought immense […]

Ukraine at War – Update 12, 2023

Dear Office, It appears Ukraine’s long-anticipated “Counter-Offensive” may be starting. This will be a particularly dangerous and deadly chapter in Ukraine’s history. We hope and pray for victory and an end to this war as soon as possible. MATCHING OFFER REMINDER: Four days left to double any gifts to HART. Thanks to everyone in our […]

Ukraine at War – Update 10, 2023

DOUBLE YOUR GIVING! Hi Office, thank you for being a part of our HART community as we together stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the churches and people of Ukraine who are fighting for their freedom and democracy. For the past sixteen months, it has been a privilege for us to serve as a channel of your generosity […]

Ukraine at War – Update 9, 2023

Changing hearts, restoring hope, saving lives Greetings! While the news coming out of Ukraine can be depressing, our hope is that we are encouraging you with stories about how our church partners are responding and meeting the needs of their neighbors” throughout Ukraine. Because of your prayers and financial support, HART can resource our network […]

Trauma is experienced by all children in Ukraine

Greetings! The impact of the ongoing war on Ukrainian children will be long-lasting and significant. Many have had to endure the loss of parents or siblings, the destruction of their homes due to shelling, or the trauma of fleeing in the middle of the night to unfamiliar places. These harrowing experiences, along with the constant […]

Russia’s War on Ukraine’s Civilians

Russia’s war in Ukraine has shattered civilian life in much of the country, leaving millions unable to return to their homes and millions more forced to live with damaged infrastructure, without access to food, water, health care, and other essentials. How many Ukrainian refugees are there?Nearly 6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, while more than […]

The dedicated pastors of war-torn Ukraine

Greetings! The people of Ukraine are exhausted from the ongoing conflict. A young pastor expressed his heartfelt reflections: “In my country at this time, we live from tragedy to tragedy, but we hope one day we’ll live from tragedy to victory. We’re begging God every day for this war to be over.” Where there is […]

Support the Children of Ukraine

Greetings! March 16 marked one year since Russia bombed a large theater in Mariupol where residents were seeking shelter in the basement, killing hundreds of people despite giant painted letters on the ground outside the building clearly indicating there were ‘children’ inside (you can see the Ukrainian word for ‘children’ in the picture above). HOW […]


Greetings! For most people in North America, their interest in the daily news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine seems to be waning. Let’s face it, we in the West have short attention spans. But for the citizens of Ukraine, this war is the destruction of their world, families, and futures. For people in HART’s community, […]

Ukraine at War – Update 03

One year later: How Russia failed in Ukraine Greetings! Feb. 24, 2022, was supposed to bring the existence of a 40-million European nation (Ukraine) to an end. Long before the dawn of light, Ukrainian cities were set alight in blazes of burning airfields and the scattering of artillery impacts. Endless armored convoys broke into highways, […]

Ukraine at War – Update 01

FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS Greetings! It’s no exaggeration to say that 2022 has turned out to be a year unlike anything we have seen before or could have imagined. In November-December 2021, most of us were optimistically thinking that one crisis (Covid-19) was finally in our rear-view mirrors. But then we watched in […]

Ukraine at War Update 29

War forces Ukrainian families to spend Christmas apart Greetings! With Russia’s war still raging, countless Ukrainian families faced the pain of spending the Christmas season apart. This was the case for the millions of Ukrainians who fled their homeland this year and left behind loved ones. One young lady (a refugee now living in France) […]

Ukraine at War Update 26

The resiliency of the Ukrainian people Greetings! Shortly after the war began last February, it became clear that Ukrainians would fight to the end, go through all the hardships and do anything possible and impossible to be victorious over the Russian military aggression against their country. And thus far, in this conflict, their resiliency and […]

Ukraine at War Update 25

A brave fighter for Ukraine Bohdan grew up in a Christian family. He was surrounded by the love of his mother and grandparents, who raised him as best as they could, despite not having a father. His dad left the family before Bohdan was born. As this young man grew up, so did his inner […]

Ukraine at War Update 24

Greetings! Millions of children in Ukraine have suffered from more than eight months of relentless bombing and shelling, spending much time in basements or bomb shelters amid air raid alerts. They have endured lack of food and the destruction of their schools, been uprooted from their homes, separated from caregivers, and directly exposed to war. […]

Ukraine at War Update 23

Greetings! Following the Crimean Bridge bombing on the weekend, Vladimir Putin is now unleashing his revenge upon civilian populations in a variety of Ukrainian cities – and adding more war crimes to his resume. The targets included residential neighborhoods but also civilian infrastructure sites that provide heat, electricity, and waterworks. With winter ahead, it is no […]

Ukraine at War Update 22

“The refugees need us… but we need them too.” Greetings! In contrast to the horror and destruction of the war in Ukraine, it is remarkable and refreshing to hear Ukrainian Pastors say, “our church body has been rejuvenated because of this war. God completely changed us. We woke up from our comfortable life. Now we […]

Ukraine at War Update 21

Greetings! It was the first day of school in Ukraine on September 1, but children weren’t sharing memories of fun vacations with their families. Their stories were of surviving war. For many, their last day of school was the day before the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of their country. At least 379 children have been […]

Ukraine at War Update 20

Greetings! The most difficult moment of Pastor Sergey’s life unfolded in a packed Kyiv train station not long after Russia invaded Ukraine. The pastor had to send his wife, two sons, and several members of his local church to the safety of a European country. A few weeks earlier, Sergey’s wife insisted on staying with […]

Ukraine at War Update 19

Greetings! Pastor Olexsandr in Lviv has this message for you and everyone in HART’s community. “We are all exhausted, the war has brought much grief and changed many things in our lives, but the Lord gives us strength. We hope and pray that the war will end soon. We believe that we will overcome all […]

Ukraine at War Update 18

Greetings! courageous pastors and volunteers in our network of partner churches throughout Ukraine are serving as unsung heroes of this war. Tens of thousands of lives have been touched by their concern and love for fellow Ukrainians whose lives have been upended by this horrific war. Families who have been cut off from water, food, […]

Ukraine at War Update 17

Greetings! HART, along with our network of partner churches throughout Ukraine, have been working tirelessly over the past five months of this terrible conflict – providing emergency food, clothing, water, shelter, medical care, and evacuating thousands of families suffering in the conflict zones. Our sincere THANKS for being with us every step of the way […]

Ukraine at War Update 16

Greetings! Every refugee has a story to tell. And although every story is unique, there are many common themes: The terrifying air-raid sirens, living in bomb shelters for days or weeks, enduring hunger and a water shortage. Many would go on to experience harrowing escapes through Russian-occupied areas. The heartbreaking scenes of husbands and fathers, […]

Ukraine at War Update 15

Greetings! Ukraine became a warzone just four months ago. Thousands of apartment buildings have been destroyed by Russian shelling. Streets are littered with burned cars and trees. Windows are shattered. Homes are nothing but piles of rubble. The lives of Ukrainians have been turned upside down. Millions have fled the country, leaving family members and […]

Ukraine at War Update 14

Love in Action Greetings! Our sincere thanks to you and all of our HART community who participated in the MATCHING FUND offers during the past 4 months. Your generous support helped us exceed each of these matching fund campaigns! Because of you, 10s of thousands of refugees (like Volodya and Yulia’s family above) have seen […]

Ukraine at War Update 13

100 DAYS Greetings! When Russia started its invasion on February 24, it was impossible to imagine this tragic war going on for 100 days with still no end in sight. ‘100 days’ may sound vague, but each day represents thousands of tragedies: lives lost, homes destroyed, and families forever changed. If we were to attempt […]

Ukraine at War Update 12

Civilians are being targeted Greetings! like you, for the last three months, we have watched Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unfold with shock, disbelief, anger, and heartache for those that are suffering. Shortly after their first attack on Ukraine at the end of February, it quickly became apparent that Russia wasn’t afraid to target innocent people […]

Ukraine at War Update 11

Current greatest need – FOOD Greetings! thanks to you and everyone in our HART Community in Canada and the USA for your care and concern for the Ukrainian people. You are saving lives every day by assisting HART to provide relief aid like food, clothing, shelter, clean water, and medical aid to men, women, and […]

Ukraine at War Update 10

UKRAINE CRISIS: Overview of HART’S Response Greetings! As bombs continue to rain down over cities across Ukraine, HART and our church partners remain committed to meeting the tremendous physical and spiritual needs of families in crisis. Christians in Ukraine have stepped up like never before to serve people whose lives have been totally upended by […]

Olya’s story

POVERTY AND DESPAIR FORCED OLYA TO JOIN THE ARMY At the end of an exhausting cold winter day, Olya has returned to her tent. She lights a small oil heater which radiates precious little heat, but it felt so good to get out of the biting cold wind and away from potential sniper fire of […]

The Wrong Door

Some doors may not be in God’s will for you to enter, so He may choose to close them for your protection. God’s guiding hand was never more evident than in the case of Vitaly, a young addict with a criminal past. YOU WILL BECOME WHO YOU WALK WITH Vitaly was born in central Ukraine […]

Perseverance Rewarded

“When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a veterinarian. My heart always melted when I saw stray dogs and cats. They seemed so vulnerable and unprotected. They needed somebody to shelter, feed, and take care of them. And I thought that I would be the one to do this. However, when I […]